by Kev

In 2009, I started posting some of my poems online on Hello Poetry.  Most of the poems were posted from 2009 to 2011 at the time I had no site of my own and gained over 1.9k views each. Now that I do, I have moved the poems to my site. Here are the poems.

Though in the same
place and time
but from a vantage point
and the dance stage
in view,
where they step
in the manner of the sane
and the lunatics.
The disco lights
in varied odd colours,
and the demons in most
could be seen
the newly born and
their homeless kind.
To dwell in the
innocent ignorants.
So they left at dawn
excited; feeling like
someone else.
After this
selfless service
among the Tivs,
I will return
to Igboland
of ancestral warriors
and dignified tradition;
To Igboland
where lambs pride
among lions,
eat flesh and grew
lion heart and claws.
Nature amuses,
at times when perfection
demands of it.
So is ecstasy,
whenever it grips
a cock.
But its force
is undeniable,
it make every cock
a rapist!,
and the law fails
to persecute them;
nor for other atrocities,
of incest and
the bastard they breed.
Medical preys;
unwanted grasses
on female pasture;
yet over determined to exist.

to pleasurable sins

by we who bekoned them.
To save faces

and intergrity;
To erase footprints
and outcome of our sins.
but you never cease to surface,
at any sexual call;

Never afraid of the death
nor the murderous act.
Brave unborn souls,
sacrificial lambs
of human immorality,
”cleansing off our sins”.
Yet answerable
to any sexual call
wishing it sinless
by matrimony.
Beauty of a marital love,
essence of a matrimonial
of all innocents,
One with God!,

Wisdom of the ancient!
The first measures
of purity.
But; where goes
the astral wisdoms
after the humanization?
where you compelled
to be born,
revoltless of the murder
of your unborn kind?
was it karmic purposed?

A calm air
with drizzle
of purity and sanctity
upon a land
of chastity and fidelity.
A swift wind
with strength
of hurricanes or tornadoes
sweeping the land
off its chastity and fidelity.
A barren land
with people
of no faith and love,
iotas of chastity and fidelity
became rare.
Of all nature’s beauty
And the grace
It emits,
Miscalculation still prevails.
For what’s the essence
Of meeting love ones
Only to part and
Never to meet again ?
Knowing that
The separation outcome
Erases all joy
Of the meeting act.
But if nature
Is to be driven
In human will accordance,
We need not part
Nor meet
If parting seems inevitable
And that hidden sorrows
Should not be felt.
A praying mantis presides
Over and over
A congregation of fools
Assuming a God-like position,
Predicting today, predicting forever.
He preaches, the act of holiness,
The act of reality,
Where smooching is divine,
A path to miracle.
But miracles do occur
The deaf became dumb,
The dumb became deaf,
The healthy became sick,
The sick became dead,
The dead….I wonder !
When we look deep inside,
Our hearts quaver, our soul
Shiver, our minds doubt,
Our spirit…uncertainty
Of which is which
One in all, all in one
We do not know.
When we worship,
He goes by the Gita,
She, by the Koran,
I… the Bible
All for one God,
Why the differences?
When we pray,
He praises Krisna,
She exalts Moha,
I pray Christ,
Avenues to one God.
When we die,
He re-incarnates,
She enters paradise
I awaits judgment
What injustice!
But …what if I were
To seek out the Unborn
And find the hidden balance?
She thought,
She is that innocent,
But I knew better
For the walls told me so
Of her romance
With her bathing sponge
Every morning in the tub!,
And of the tub water
Her never ever
Penetrated aisle.
Then the soap lathers……..
She thought,
She is still innocent,
But it’s long stolen.
On the deaths,
Of those dear to us
Whose life flickered out
Like candle lights;
On the pains
Of those hearts
Whose love was
Never returned;
On all broken hearts
Who seeked love
But never found
On all losers
But pure at heart,
May you find
Solace within,
Never on the edge of tears.
Where was Chineke
When lovely souls drifted
Away, leaving weeping eyes behind?
Where are the days
When love was immortal?
On all sorrows,
We pour this libation.
He that is mightier
Is absolute!
He gives love
In the midst of outstanding hatred! ,
Faith, in the midst
Of hopelessness!
Happiness, in the midst
Of bitterness!
Peace, in the midst
Of turmoil!
And joy, in the midst
Of overwhelming sorrows!
Holy is his name.
Known sorrows
Are not only human
Death; sorrows is
What causes the
Heart to bleed.
If elegy is to be
Sung on sorrows mat,
Then it need not
Be for human death
On the day when
Ecstatic moan
Escapes the cracks
And hinges gaps
Of neighbours’ door,
Phone calls generate
Laughter on the faces
Of lovers,
Love lost its life
In the hearts of hosts.
Though not human
But death is death
For it once lived.
Love immortality
Is human gullibility
For it dies
Even as the celebrant
Every February 14th.
The church said,
Darkness and light
Comprehend not.
A pastor told me,
Oh ……how darkness
By the rising sun dispel.
Then what is
Dawn and dusk?
But a comprehension
Between darkness and light.
About the sun,
What happens when it sets?
Who dispelled who?
At the campus,
I heard his voice
In the room
Of my female neighbour.
In the evening,
I heard his voice again
And hers too,
Screaming the walls down.
In the morning,
I asked what happened,
Oh…..we are making love
She said.
Then I saw him
Oops! He is the
Preacher in my neighbourhood.
In the land
Of the burning tribe,
Dwelt the worst of evils.
A tribe
Where immorality is moral
And flaming human minds
Can be traced.
Allergic to goodness,
Cancerous to strangers,
Abhorrent to civilization,
Glut with cheating.
Pure hostility
Even at jovial point
And under loving atmosphere.
A tribe
of courtesans
Where adultery is tradition,
And fornication begins at ten
To enhance development,
For healthy living.
A tribe
Of awkward belief
In a path of abstinence to sickness
Curable with sex alone.
Of what descent
Are they?
Too violent to exist
with no regard to life.
Of what mentality?
When playing safe
Is inhuman!
And murder
Of the innocents unborn
Is nothing.
Spreading the virus,
Never afraid to harbour it.
Where is their good side?
Is it unseen or extinct?
If any, “ wuese te”.
Dear Ex,
Every lover is a fool
To the one he loves;
Though every fool is not a lover.
In those days
When we loved,
Admiration befell the stars;
For us they came out glittering.
Tornados calm before us,
Waves sleep for us
To sail and the sun
Faded before our love.
Then cheated heart and wounded one
Became my fate,
But I’m breathing
I am the miracle.
I was a fool
So you said then
Why the torment?
Separate lives
Is what we are now
Infidelity pierce even
The heart of a ***.
A wounded star
Knew no remedy.
Dear Ex,
For every wind
Someone must fail;
We’ve all been
Hurt before.

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