by Kev


The novel the Quest of a Ghost is a gripping work of art which is an immense suspense. It tells a story of Frank, who has lost everything due to war. He comes back to the village and becomes fisherman and also a lonely.  Hope broke in a seemingly irreparable until Frank’s dead father assumed flash and began to live amongst his family members and also began to solve the mystery in Frank’s family’s accident.

The helps Frank find his long lost daughter in a river while trying to fish and also helps to find him his son through his daughter and also his wife, who was sold into slavery.

After Okeke Ibo compiles his mission he leaves Frank with his family, united once again.



It is the background information of a novel. The exposition of this novel began with a flashback.

There we see that Frank’s family has been killed in a motor accident and that was why he decided to come to the village and become a fisherman and that was how he found Mario who became the sunshine in his life.

Intiating incident

This changes the situation established in the exposition and sets the confliction motion. The incidenting action in this novel takes place when Mark decided that Maria was the girl he wanted to marry and sets off to UNIBEN to woo her heart.

Rising Action

This is the point of complication; it is the type of knots in a novel. The rising actions in this novel was when Mark and Maria were disusing about their families when he came visiting on a weekend and she told him, she did not  know anything about her mother.  When she goes home to her father to find answers she discovers that he picked her up in the river.


This is the turning point in a novel. The climax in the novel is when Mark and Maria came back to the village to announce that they were getting married to each other and their parents opposed it

Falling actions the falling action in this novel, is when Mark and Maria discovers that they are sibling and that frank is their true father and that their mother was sold into slavery in Sudan


This is when frank and his family members and Prisca set off to Sudan to find her. There they find their mother and return back to Nigeria and uniting their family members as one. There Okeke Ibo reveals and afterwards leaves them.



He is a man who has been through a lot and has lost a lot. He is the father of mark and Maria, a husband to Abigail and a son to Okeke Ibo. He is lonely and a fisherman.


He is a doctor and the son of Frank. He looks exactly like his grandfather Okeke Ibo. He is also the person who would have committed a taboo by his sister


She is said to be very beautiful. She is found I the river by frank and it is later discovered that she is franks true daughter he thought he lost. She is also the person who would have committed a taboo by marrying her brother


She is a friend of Maria and also her roommate. She is discovered to be the ghost of Okeke Ibo, who assumed flesh

Okeke Ibo

He is father t frank and a grandfather to Mark and Maria. He is a dead man but assumed flesh because he is a quest to find his son’s family and unite them once again.


She is the wife of frank and a mother to Mark and Abigail. She was lost during the war and was sold into slavery to Sudan


He is a friend of mark back then in the university. He was once Mark course mate but changed to pharmacy.


She is a very smart and beautiful girl. She is a graduate, working with cross bank in Asaba. She is nicknamed the Naughty girl by Mark.


Theme of war

In this novel, we can see that war is an instrument of destruction. As we can see in the war that destroyed the unity in franks family

Theme of love

This is demonstrated in the novel by Mark and Maria. These two were in love with each other and wanted to get married by all cost until they found out they were sibling.


A quest can be defined as a journey or effort o pursue a goal. The person in a quest is Okeke Ibo and his quest was to unit his son’s family together.

Search for identity

The person’s in search of identity in this novel the quest of a ghost is Mark and Maria.

Mark was picked in the streets and was taken to a foster home not knowing who he really is.

Maria who was picked from the river by frank, who didn’t know she was his child did not know how she really was and was on a quest to finding it.


After the motor accident franks returned to the village from the city and became a fisherman. He became a loner. Only going out to fish and eat at the restaurant behind his house.



The language used in this novel the quest of a ghost is very simple and straight forward.

The writer made use of Igbo and English to an appealing level thereby adapting the subtle way of telling the African story with a true African voice

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